He knew it was time. The cheering above had subsided, and now he could hear the muffled tones of the judges, calling the names. He turned to the small boy beside him and tapped his sequined shoulder - 'Come on, they're waiting for you'.
For a moment their eyes met - the boy in his shining costume and white skates, the older, haggard man biting his lip. They walked towards the stairs, climbing them quickly, and then they were by the rink and the boy was pulling on his coach's sleeve.
'My skates'.
The man knelt down and gently held the laces, tying them slowly into firm, neat knots. The blades were sharp and ready, the crowd was on its feet.
I then had to take that story and combine it with a story I wrote corresponding to this image:

I found it really challenging! But it worked in the end :)
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